When you’re banging your head against a wall, feeling like you’re not achieving your potential - you need to make a change to succeed.

Stop second-guessing yourself and create a clear path forward for your design career.

You can find the clarity you’re looking for in 90 minutes by writing a single, transformative sentence.

Have you hit a career dead-end?

Is a big career decision looming over you but don’t know what to do for the best?

Maybe you feel like you’ve got the answers to get your career on track and need a hand piecing them together.

Wouldn’t it be great if you were:

  • Confident in your chosen career direction and where you're heading.

  • Not wasting energy on activities that don’t progress your career.

  • Creating traction by being laser-focused on where you direct your energy.

  • Clear on the skills you need for future success and where you need to grow your knowledge and experience.

  • Able to find the perfect role by identifying your unique qualities.

  • Working for an employer that recognises your contribution.

  • Standing out to clients and customers using your unique value proposition.

  • Playing to your strengths to produce your best work.

  • No longer comparing yourself to others on LinkedIn and feeling left behind.

A story about career progress.

Being a designer is a brilliantly rewarding career.

Yet, as you grow more senior, you start to face new challenges and problems.

As you move through life stages, what you want from your career changes. What got you excited when you first started work no longer cuts it.

You’re looking for:

  • Meaning and meaningful work.

  • Tangible progress and career development.

  • Recognition for your leadership and contribution.

  • Impactful projects that make you feel great about the work you do.

When your job or employer doesn’t provide this, you start to ask yourself one critical question:

Do you stay and try to carve out a new opportunity, or leave for a fresh start?

Inevitable you believe things will get better, so you hang around.

You don't want to rock the boat at work but you're unsure about your next move.

Yet nothing changes and over time, things get progressively worse.

Events at work start sapping your confidence making you doubt yourself and your abilities.

Then you start resenting work and eventually hating your job.

But you don't have to let it get to this point.

Five signs you need to change your job situation.

  • You feel like you're at a crossroads and have no idea which road to take. You're nervous that you'll make a bad choice.

  • You're burned out. You don't want to get out of bed. You're emotionally upset at the idea of going to work.

  • You’re undervalued and unappreciated work. You're secretly scouring the internet looking for a new job - almost any job will do!

  • You've lost interest in your job and lack passion. You got into design because you loved it and can’t pinpoint when that changed.

  • You're feeling stuck in a rut with nowhere to go. You're repeating the same ineffective behaviours and the future’s looking hopeless.

If you're experiencing any of these demoralising setbacks I’ve got some good news.

You can overcome them.

Surprisingly, you don't need to invest in an extensive coaching programme. It also won't take you months to wade through career books and articles.

You can create the outcome you're looking for in only 90 minutes.

And you don't have to do it on your own.

No matter where you are, you can participate from the comfort of your home at a time that suits you.

I've walked in your shoes.

Over the last two decades, I've had a successful career, but it hasn't been without its up and downs.

Everything I've written about I've experienced myself.

When I've found myself stuck, I've combined strategy tools with design processes to overcome my career roadblocks and dead-ends.

Career coaches always tell you that you need a career plan.

Bu what you really need is a career strategy.

In my experience it's the critical and often missing ingredient for long-term career success.

A strategy shapes and guides your decisions and actions.

A plan defines the steps to get to attain achieve your goals.

Crafting a career strategy will help you create career clarity. It's guided the development of my career and increased my resilience in times of rapid change.

So, I want to help you create your career strategy by combining what I do best - expert facilitation with design and strategy.

I've developed a process to help you regain your focus and clarity. You'll rediscover your career confidence and leave feeling invigorated and excited about your future.

You'll also be clutching a guiding framework to channel your time and effort into activities that create traction.

And as soon as our time together ends, you can immediately put it into action.

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Chris Jackson.

I'm the founding partner of We Create Futures, a strategic innovation and futures practice in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

I bring over two decades of experience in design, strategy and innovation across various sectors and industries. I have a proven track record of leading and contributing to award-winning projects across multiple design disciplines.

On completing Seth Godin's Alt MBA - I won the "Abernathy Award", voted for by my peers.

My passion is supporting designers to fulfil their potential and achieve their goals.

I've coached and mentored designers throughout my career. Through this experience, I've seen designers struggle when they hit senior roles.

We're great at solving strategic problems for our clients but not always for ourselves.

In developing a range of career tools, I've seen the need for new ways to build long-term career success.

I'm a designer myself.

I love working with designers and want to see you succeed.

I want you to be the next designer I work with!

Let’s work together to create your design career strategy in a sentence.

I've applied two decades of design and strategy expertise to a high-impact, personalised workshop.

The format and environment will feel safe and familiar. It's like something you might run yourself in a project for a client.

It's an open conversation framed with insightful questions by an expert facilitator.

It's online and confidential - just me and you.

During our conversation, I'll help you answer other big career questions. I take your investment seriously, but we'll also have fun.

We'll start by UNPACKING YOUR CONTEXT. This helps me understand where you're at, where you want to go, and the challenges your facing.

Next, we work on your BIG CAREER IDEA - the secret sauce in framing your career strategy.

Finally, we'll craft your CAREER STRATEGY IN A SENTENCE.

This powerful strategic statement provides the clarity and direction you desperately need.

It's how you'll focus your limited time and energy into future career success.

Take your first steps towards a brighter future today!

Stop it - I can see you procrastinating!

I've designed this online experience to be high-impact while requiring minimal time and effort from you.

This is an opportunity to quickly get your career back on track.

A place on'Design Career Strategy in Sentence' a place is USD 180 / NZD 295.

A guarantee from me to you.

If you are unsatisfied after our session, I'll continue working with you until you're happy.

I can't be any fairer than that!

I've already helped someone just like you.

Luckily, you don't have to take my word for it - here's what they have to say about their workshop experience:

AJ, Social Innovator and Coach, NZ / Aotearoa

“The session gave me a lot of the clarity I was looking for, but it also gave me a lot more confidence in my ability to chart a course into the unknown.

It was incredibly helpful that Chris understood my context very well, but I didn't feel like he was leading me in any particular direction. Rather, it felt like he was mediating a really direct and honest conversation with myself.

I was surprised at how easily I came to insights that I felt I'd been close to but hadn't been able to articulate on my own.”

TL, Senior Design Journalist, Germany

"Chris is a warm, friendly and professional coach who delivers a very useful and inspiring career strategy session. His feedback is insightful and the processes he uses are very effective at drilling down and discovering your objectives, skills and possible ways forward.

I'm feeling much more positive and motivated about my career direction and prospects than I have for a long time and would 100% recommend this session for anyone who is feeling a bit stuck or in need of some direction as to the best way forward with their career."

ZF, Customer Experience Leader, NZ / Aotearoa

"If your career is slumped in the sands of Slothville, Chris's workshop is here to rescue you!

Get ready for a swift kick of motivation that'll catapult you out of your comfort zone and launch you toward the career patiently waiting in your alternative reality."

CL, Industrial Design Executive, USA

"This workshop was a great way to step back from my own thoughts and view them in a new light.

The framework Chris provides is simple enough to be done easily through conversation or as an individual exercise, yet it is robust enough to be a powerful lens to refocus one's thoughts about career trajectory."

KR, Design & Innovation Director, Australia

"This workshop with Chris came at exactly the right time in my career. Chris masterfully took me on a journey to explore my career purpose, and through his deep empathy, curiosity and experience he helped me to not only remember my why, but to back myself and my experience.

Thank you for reigniting my inner fire and confidence, Chris!"

AW, Strategist & Business Owner, USA

"The simplicity of this workshop is the key to its magic. Chris has created a structure and flow that distilled what I represent, what I am excited about, and my skills into a single statement, without losing any of the substance.

Within a single hour, I left with something more true to my vision than I've ever had."

GP, Artist & Business Owner, NZ / Aotearoa

"Working with Chris helped pull together my various thoughts and ideas into a workable strategy I could take away and run with."

JK, System Designer, Netherlands

"The workshop with Chris gave me more direction and focus. The back and forth with him was really helpful, the exchange made my thoughts more clear and concise."

RM, Strategic Designer, NZ / Aotearoa

"The workshop was really helpful!

Chris' thought-provoking, probing questions supported me to re-frame my thinking and gain confidence and clarity about my key motivations and career direction."

DVS, Strategic Software Delivery Consultant, Netherlands

"I had my session with Chris this morning and he did a splendid job. Even though I am not a designer, he challenged me with some good questions and helped me bring clarity to myself.

Total recommendation!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"

CL, Strategist & Speculative Designer, Portugal

"Chris Jackson's personalised workshop is outstanding in what concerns translating one's experience, concerns and aspirations into a meaningful career strategy.

Chris' approach is simple yet powerful in what concerns bringing insight and direction."

As well as my personalised expertise and your strategy statement you’ll also receive these bonuses:

  • A personalised summary of workshop content.

  • A text transcript of the workshop process.

  • An editable copy of your career strategy in a sentence

Still on the fence?

Don't tell me - there isn't a suitable time slot available.

No - you're looking for something different - like a short, sharp shock of coaching sessions?

Email me using the button below and I'll answer any questions you have before we get started.

I can also tell you about other sessions I offer.

After you click the button…

After you click a big black button to reserve your place, you can choose a convenient calendar slot that works for your schedule.

You will be asked to pay during the booking process. You can do this quickly and securely through credit card and Paypal.

After receiving your booking, I'll start onboarding you to get the most from our session.

The price of USD 180 is around NZD 295, GBP 140, EURO 165, AUD 270.

This includes Goods & Services Tax (GST).

Please note that although pricing is in USD you will be charged in NZD.

Reserve your spot now and move towards a more positive and optimistic future.