Know your values

A free do-it-yourself workshop to identify your values and understand what they mean for your design career.

Unpack your values to drive impactful actions and inform critical decisions about your future.

I want to do values-driven work.

It’s a common desire for many designers. Especially when you hit mid-career.

Shifting into a different phase changes your needs and goals. This often means wanting to do meaningful work that more closely aligns to your values.

But if I asked what your values were - could you tell me?

Maybe you could pull a few from the top of your head. My guess is they’d feel broadly applicable but maybe not personal to you.

So when was the last time you really considered your values?

Maybe you’re too busy. Or you’ve just taken them for granted.

If I said I’ve listed nearly 400 values you’d be blown away, right?

You’d start to rethink if you really knew your values after all.

And I’m sure you’d want to spend time unpacking them to unlock your career potential.

You need to know your values.

I’ve created a do-it-yourself workshop to help you identify your values and improve your career decision-making.

Know your Values takes as little as 30 minutes to complete. You can do it in your own time, whenever it suits you.

And it won’t cost you anything.

I’ve created a digestible list of 90 values to work through. I know it sounds a lot but you’ll whiz through them in no time!

I’ve also included a mega-list of 400 values so you can do a deep-dive if that floats your boat!

You’ll work through a rapid process to pick out your values. You’ll do this in three different ways. Values that apply personally, to your employer and the people you work with.

After quickly getting to a short list, you’ll start to understand what it means for your career.

Then create action!

Workshop overview.

What you get.

I’ve created the Know Your Values workshop in Miro.

All you need to do is create a free account and duplicate the board. (But don’t worry if you don’t use Miro - read on.)

Inside the board is everything you need.

  • Instructional Video

  • Values on sticky notes

  • Example template

  • Blank template to complete

If you don’t use Miro I’ll also provide separate links for the video, template and two lists of values.

You can import these into your digital whiteboard of choice.

Why it’s valuable.

If you want to do values-driven work, or work that aligns to your values - you need to know them.

You also need to understand how they align to the places and people you work with. And it would be really useful if you knew how they aligned to a potential job or new employer, right?

These are just a few of the reasons you’ll find this workshop valuable. It’s an exercise I use with clients on my design career strategy coaching programme.

And I’ve re-worked it so you can do it yourself, in your own time and for zero cost. It’s taken more than 40 hours to refine and make it as effective and usable as possible.

I’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to!

Why I’m doing this.

I love working with designers and I want you to succeed in your career and work.

The job market is really messy at the moment. And I want to help where I can. I know from experience this workshop will help you if you’re in the right place.

But I won’t lie. It’s not a completely selfless act.

I’m hoping that this experience provides you with tangible value and helps your career progress. In future, if you decide you need a coach you’ll think of me. Or maybe you’ll recommend me to a friend who’s in need of some strategic career magic.

But there’s no commitment. One you’ve downloaded the files you can unsubscribe from my email list.

You won’t hear from me again. No hard feelings!

What happens next…

So you want to invest in yourself and your career. And you feel that exchanging your email for a high-value workshop is worth it.

Great. The next step is easy!

Drop your email into the form at the top of this page.

I’ll immediately send you a link to access all the files you need to get started immediately. This includes the Miro board and instructional videos.

I’ll follow this up with a few emails to see how you're getting on.

I’m interested to know how you find the experience. I’d appreciate any feedback to improve it.

And I’d love to hear any suggestions for other ways to help you achieve your career goals.